Information for Sellers

Tel:  +44 (0) 1383 418901  (Head office)
+44 (0) 1382 461686  (Dundee Site)

Information for Sellers

Robertson Metals Recycling purchase almost any type of scrap metal at our sites in Inverkeithing and Dundee in Scotland. We can accept scrap delivered to our port or will collect it from your site.

Ferrous Metals

We receive scrap metal from a whole range of sources, from large industrial sites down to small purchases from the general public. Scrap metal prices fluctuate according to worldwide market trends, so for up-to-date and competitive prices, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Non-Ferrous Metals

Robertson Metals Recycling purchases all grades of non-ferrous metals including copper, brass, aluminium, cable, lead, tin, stainless etc. in small or larger quantities. If you have a mixed load of material, we will sort and categorise the grades to ensure that you receive the most competitive price.

End of Life Vehicles (ELV)

Robertson Metals Recycling is a fully licensed, authorised treatment facility for end of life vehicles and purchases scrap vehicles from other authorised ATFs or direct from the public. Once we have carried out the necessary ID checks, we will accept your vehicle for depollution and generate the Certificate of Destruction (COD).


Robertson Metals Recycling is an Approved Treatment Facility (ATF) and Approved Exporter (AE) of WEEE. We are happy to discuss the purchasing of WEEE from metal merchants, manufacturers and compliance schemes, and also buy most items of WEEE from the general public.

From our base in Scotland we accept scrap metal of all grades from the UK and overseas.
+44 (0) 1383 418901 (Head Office)
+44 (0) 1382 461686 (Dundee Site)
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